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Season 1 | “Who Wouldn’t Serve A God Like This…?” a chance to hear stories of… if one individual can make it through their broken pieces… to now living a life of peace, by the grace of God… You can too! Don’t miss it!
Wednesdays 6pm CST/ 7pm EST/ 4pm PST
JOIN ME “LIVE” 6amCST/7amEST daily for 30mins to read the word of God. If you have ever had the desire to read the whole bible in a year. JOIN ME as I share how I began my journey to peace well over 20 years ago. I look forward to seeing you there!
Dreams Unlimited Network (D.U.N) is all about Kingdompreneurs specializing in coaching, speaking, and authorship. To increase a level of peace in your faith, family and finances without relieving traumatic experiences. Helping you grow abundantly and be a contribution to others.
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