Leslie Latimore-Lorfils is a proud native of Washington DC, and a proud and busy mother of 12 children. That’s right, 12 children and no twins! She serves as a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army alongside her husband, also a lieutenant colonel. Together, they have over 51 years of service and have two daughters currently training to be future Army Officers. One daughter is attending Morgan State University while the other attends North Carolina A&T State University respectively. Her Eldest son also spent 4 years in the Marine Corps. Military family indeed!!
Leslie manages the busy life as a football, track, cheerleader, piano, Girl Scouts, band, volleyball, basketball and orchestra mom. She is the past president of the PTSA and current NAACP parent representative for her daughter’s middle school. Leslie is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated for nearly 27 years. She also serves as Secretary and Maryland State Ambassador for Top Flight Defense Inc., a nonprofit organization for female Veterans.
She is an entrepreneur and the Founder and CEO of two companies; Girl Organize That Life Productivity Coaching Program, and Elle’s Enterprises offering business concepts and life’s solutions.
Leslie is a Certified Speaker, Coach and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team, Legal service/Life Insurance Consultant and an Author. She is also a certified Behavioral Superpowers Specialist and Coach with Dream Smart Academy. Lastly she is a certified online coach with the Virtual Coach program.
Somehow in her busy schedule, she finds time to teach Zumba and Cycling. She enjoys serving in the music ministry at her church, reading, shopping, hanging with family and cracking jokes. She loves “sleeping in” at every opportunity.
This spirit led woman and leader has a servant’s heart and is committed to building and uplifting people, and she is truly Kingdom Focused.
Leslie’s is fun-loving; what you see is what you get!
Connect with Leslie
Leslie Latimore-Lorfils
Social Media
Linked In http://linkedin.com/in/mrs-leslie-lorfils-87671267
IG @divalorfils
Twitter @leslielorfils
FB https://www.facebook.com/leslie.latimorelorfils
Website Www.ellesenterprises.com