Servant leadership is born where humility is innate, excellence is standard, and faith is valued. Possessing these ethics in unyielding measure; is the dynamic professional, Anthony Corbin.
Anthony Corbin is an elocutionist, administrative specialist, and servant leader displaying prolific mastery in enthusing the masses, to take hold of their own destiny, through the power of self-actualization, personal vision, and unshakable faith. Having spent nearly two decades trailblazing in the paths of governmental and administrative vocation, Anthony brings an appreciated synergy to the world of speaking, polarizing audiences with his ability to uplift and challenge them, in the transformation of their current circumstances.
Anthony’s mantra is simple: He is determined to achieve his ultimate goal of producing change agents, with faith, vision, and the highest quality of service to all, daily.
- Combining a high propensity for excellence with sincere regard for education, communal involvement, and achievement, Anthony Corbin proves his mission to be a tangible one. He holds a degree in universal studies, and extensive training certifications in Microsoft System Center Configuration Management, 2008 Window Server Active Directory Configuring, and Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems Mechanics and Recovery non-commissioned officer (NCO) (63T30) – (Ft. Knox, KY), (Ft. Hood, TX), (Mainz, Germany), & (Fort Riley, KS). His commitment to benevolence and servant leadership knows no bounds, as he is often called upon and rewarded for his remarkable difference, in both professional and philanthropic environments. In 2011, Anthony was a recipient of the Urban League Difference Maker of the Year Award and attributed great service to the Salvation Army as a Technical Support Volunteer, for the Christmas Distribution ADOPT-A-Family program; as well as more than 13.5 years of service, in the United States Army.
Today Anthony is responsible for motivating the masses. He is a member of Les Brown’s HUNGRY FOR GREATNESS SPEAKER ACADEMY (HFGSA); an ambassador with the world-renowned brand, Essence Magazine, for discovering keys to win and master his specialized power voice. He has partnered with Founding Charter member Find Your Voice Toastmaster Club and many professionals helping to enhance their core audiences’ ability to express their voices on anthology projects, and much more. Empowered to inspire the world, Anthony seeks to remind us all that the frequency to elevate high energy and passion, is found in the simplicity of faith.
When Anthony is not out helping others to discover their truest expression of themselves, he remains an asset to his local communal body and a loving member of his family and friendship circles.
Anthony W. Corbin ~ Leader. Speaker. Humanitarian.
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Anthony Corbin
IG: @tony1awc
LinkedIn: ClubHouse: @tony1awc